Topographic surveys and hydraulic modeling of the rivers of the Northern Apennines
GEATOP S.r.l. conquers Tuscany and Liguria
The temporary grouping of companies consisting of: Hydrodata S.p.a., Geatop S.r.l., Ing. Dario Tricoli, Hydrogeo Ingegneria S.r.l., DHI s.r.l., Art Ambiente Risorse Territorio S.r.l., Hera S.r.l. and Geocoste S.n.c.) was entrusted with the service of: «Campaign of topographic surveys of hydrographic sections and alluvial areas and development of hydraulic modeling on the main network of the Northern Apennines District Basin».
The hydraulic modeling will be aimed at updating the river flood hazard map of the FRMP (Flood Risk Management Plan).
As part of the grouping, our company will take care of the part relating to topographic surveys.
The topographic survey will involve various measurement technologies. In combination with terrestrial instruments GPS antennas, total stations, digital levels and laser scanner surveys, Lidar and aerial photogrammetic survey campaigns will be carried out as well as bathymetry sessions with boats and drones equipped with echo sounders.
We will start with the reliefs in Tuscany with the Arno River, which is the second major river of peninsular Italy and all its tributaries, the rivers Elsa, Ombrone, Bisenzio, Terzolle, Mugnone. We will go further north and measure the Serchio, Lima and Versilia rivers. We will reach Liguria Magra, Parmignola, Arroscia, Lerrone and Graveglia. Along our route of about 350 km we will meet various artifacts of historical and cultural importance such as Ponte Vecchio and Ponte dell’Indiano in Florence and many others.