by etinet | Sep 19, 2021 | News
Since 2013 GEATOP S.r.l. has been working together with Westinghouse/Mangiarotti (Monfalcone – Italy) on the I.T.E.R. project, as far as metrology is concerned, to manufacture the Vacuum Vessel sectors.
It is also a pleasure for us to witness the completion of the first sector manufactured in a factory.
Congratulations to the Westinghouse/Mangiarotti Team, and thanks for trusting us in this project.
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by etinet | Sep 16, 2021 | News
From the real object to the 3D digitalization of the model.
The reverse engineering (in italian “ingegneria inversa”) is the process that allows to link the two different Master and Target processes, and minimize the matching errors between them, by obtaining 3D measurements through PCMM systems and others. As a consequence, the whole production process will be improved.
This can be achieved not only using the most suitable equipment for the specific activity, but especially thanks to the collaboration and the exchange of information between the engineering dept. of the customer and our technicians.
In the picture it is possible to see the result of the work carried out through the collaboration between the Service Portable dept. (at the customer premises) and the REE dept. (Reverse Engineering), which led to the required result according to the deadline of the customer and with utmost precision.
by etinet | Sep 16, 2021 | News
We are pleased to say that GEATOP S.R.L. keeps investing every year. In fact, we have a new fantastic Hexagon laser tracker Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600.
It is the first Laser Tracker with integrated direct scan, which allows to get a scan of the target surface with a minimum point grid of 0.5×0.5mm, and with a precision of 300 micron at 60 metres. Speed and data crawling parameters can be customized with the software.
Our expert technicians already call it “the ideal workmate!”. The new Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600 allow our technicians to scan measurements faster, and have more detailed information about the inspected object.
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by etinet | Sep 16, 2021 | News
Thanks to the work of the whole GEATOP team during these years and the continuous pressure from our customer, pushing us to better ourselves every day, we are proud to announce that the new Metrological Laboratory – Geatop Lab – is now open in Saluzzo (CN), in collaboration with Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Italia
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